What is the value of a smile?  Turns out it is much greater than you have imagined!

Did you know that the simple act of smiling can turn your day around?  Even if it is a “fake” smile?

Well, it’s true!  It’s been proven by brain science.  If you are having a bad day and you CHOOSE to bring a smile to your face, certain things are bound to happen!  The smile (whether fake or real) causes your brain to release neuropeptides that fight stress.  The happiness hormones, serotonin and dopamine are automatically released.  And guess what?  This lowers your stress, lifts your mood, and boosts your immune system.  The smile, in and of itself, spurs a chemical reaction in your brain.  Do you recognize the power of this???

My challenge to you is to FORCE A SMILE FOR 10 TO 15 SECONDS.  Do it, right now!  Notice what happens. I’ve done it – It changes things.  It helps you and others.  What could be better?