“In Any given moment we have two options:

to step forward into growth or step back into safety”

Abraham Maslow

What is life-coaching?

As a Life Coach, it’s my joy to come alongside you and provide a safe space to help you move forward from where you stand today to where you’d like to be. Coaching, unlike therapy or counseling, doesn’t focus on the past or on healing inner wounds. Instead, together we will set our sights forward, explore, take stock of your passions, values and talents, and discover a fresh and exciting vision that gives energy to your dreams. You can have the future you desire! Let’s begin!

What happens during coaching?

You and I will connect via scheduled phone sessions lasting about 45 minutes. I will listen closely to you, help you hear your own thoughts, ask probing questions and partner with you to achieve your goals. Clients often experience exciting “Aha” moments when something previously hidden becomes clear. These moments are powerful, but your real growth will occur between sessions when you walk out the plans you set for yourself. If you are committed to uncovering new perspectives, gaining clarity, reaching goals and overcoming obstacles, great things await you.  Accountability and our combined dedication to your success will reap lasting results!

Discover Vision

Capture a vision for your life that takes you out of the ordinary.

Find Fulfillment

Move into a greater place of centeredness and fulfillment.


Reach Goals

Attain the life goals and vision to which you feel called.


Experience Growth

Accelerate your growth and become the best version of you.


Let’s spend some time together to explore how coaching can get you where you want to be. The call is free!